1. nvt. To close, shut, block (For. 5:460–1), dam (For. 5:509), dike, substitute, replace, represent, fill a breach or vacancy; closure, stopper, valve, cork, plug, lid, cover, gate, blockade, door, agreement (GP 14), substitute, vice- (sometimes preceded by ke).
- References:
- Cf. pani hakahaka.
- PCP pani .
2. n. Final bit of food closing a period of treatment by a medical practitioner, commonly but not always sea food; final gift in a hoʻokupu ceremony.
3. n. Odd-shaped pandanus key that fits, like a keystone at the bottom of a pandanus cluster; when this is knocked out, the others fall easily.
4. n. The bottom of a coconut when cracked off by blows around the base of the nut; it fits like a lid (pani).
5. n. Disease with severe pain at the solar plexus and choking.
6. n. Pan.
- Source:
- English.
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