Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvt. To shoot, as marbles, arrows, bow; bow and arrows; to snap, as with fingers and thumb to punish a child; to flip. Cf. pana ʻiole. Pua pana, arrow. Kāu mau pana (Kin. 27.3), thy weapons. hoʻo.pana Caus/sim. (PPN fana, PEP pana; the meaning ‘bow, arrow’ is noted only in Marquesan pana and Hawaiian; see Green, p. 24.)

2. nvi. Heartbeat, pulse; beat in music; to beat time, pulsate, throb. Nānā i ka pana, to take the pulse. (PCP pana.)

3. nvi. Celebrated, noted, or legendary place; to be such.

4. n. Pan. Eng. Kū pana, stew pan.

5. n. Bung.

kikino, Beat, as in music or linguistics; pulse.

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Nā LepiliTags: music linguistics health

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Snap (pana) has almost the identical letters of the English word, but reversed.

Heartbeat, pulse.

bow; the pulse: to shoot arrows; to flip; to snap fingers.

Celebrated, noted or legendary place (PE).

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