Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvs., nvi., Cliff, precipice, steep hill or slope suitable for olonā or wauke; full of cliffs; to be a cliff. Figuratively, an obstacle, difficulty; haughty or disdainful.

  • Examples:
    • E pali paha wau? Shall I become [magically] a cliff? He pali lele koaʻe (poetic), a cliff where tropic birds fly [i.e., very high].
    • Pali kaulu ʻole ka lani, the chief is a cliff without a jog [of very high rank].
    • Pali ke kua, mahina ke alo, the back is a cliff, the front a moon [said of handsome persons].
    • Pali mai nā maka o ka hoa (song), the companion's eyes are a haughty cliff.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

See cliff.

See pili pali.

s. A precipice; the side of a steep ravine; a steep hill. Puk. 14:22. Whatever stands up like a precipice.

adj. Full of deep ravines or precipitate hills; he aina pali.

Pali (pā'-li), adj.

/ pā'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Full of deep ravines or precipitate hills: he aina pali.

Pali (pă'-li), n.

/ pă'-li / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A precipice; the side of a steep ravine; a steep hill; whatever stands up like a precipice; a cliff.

, 'cliff'

Famous precipice in the Koʻolau range (see Nuʻu-anu), highway from Honolulu through tunnels of the same name to the Kai-lua area, and golf course at the foot of the cliff, Oʻahu. Lit., cliff.

Sea cliffs, Pāpalaua, Maui. Same as Lahaina Pali.

cliff, precipice.

Cliff, precipice; side of a steep ravine or hill (T) (PE).

E huli iā “pali” ma Ulukau.

Search for “pali” on Ulukau.

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