/ pale.kana /nvs., Safe, saved, rescued; convalescent; to ward off, brush aside, rescue, protect; to recover from illness; defense, savior, safety, security.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
nvs., Safe, saved, rescued; convalescent; to ward off, brush aside, rescue, protect; to recover from illness; defense, savior, safety, security.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Ai palekana. Safe sex; to practice safe sex. Ai palekana ʻole. Unprotected sex; to practice unprotected sex. See maʻi lele ai.
v. To rest; to feel secure from danger; to breathe freely, i. e., to feel secure or safe; to be safe, i. e., to have made an escape. Hal. 119:117.
s. One who has escaped from danger or secure from it.
adj. Safe; in a state of safety from danger; escaped from danger; palekana, pau ka makau, pau ka luhi, pau ka hele ana i ka hana.
Safe; in a state from danger; escaped from danger; palekana, pau ka makau, pau ka luhi, pau ka hele ana i ka hana.
1. One who has escaped from danger or secure from it.
2. Rescue; a being safe.
To rest satisfied; to feel secure from danger; to breathe freely, that is, to feel safe; to be safe, that is, to have escaped.
a defense; a savior: rescue; to have escaped trouble.
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