1. n. A surgeonfish (Acanthurus dussumieri), famous for a strong odor. (PPN palangi.)
2. nvi. To stink, smell sour or rancid; a detested person; a kauā, outcast. hoʻo.palani To cause to go sour, rancid.
3. n. A variety of sugar cane, short, purple with deep olive-green cast when young, changing to reddish-yellow on exposure, pith dark. Probably the parent of ʻakoki. Sometimes qualified by hao or ʻula (For. 5:585).
4. n. A variety of sweet potato
5. Also barani n. Brandy. Eng. ʻUla palani, brandy red.
6. (Cap.) Also Farani nvs. France; Frenchman; French; Frank. Eng. Hula Palani (UL 203), same as the paʻi umauma hula.
7. n. Bran. Eng.