1. nvt., To slap, spank, beat, hit, clap; to print, publish; to snap, as pictures; to break, as a taboo; a slapping, slap, stamping, printing (several old types of tapa begin with paʻi: paʻipaʻinahā, paʻiua, paʻiʻula; preceded by ke).
- Examples:
- Paʻi ʻana, printing, edition, impression.
- Paʻi ipu, to beat a gourd drum.
- Ke kolu o ke paʻi ʻana, third edition.
- References:
- Cf. paʻi ā paʻi, paʻi kiʻi, paʻi puna.
2. nvs., To tie; a draw; equal; to make an agreement (said to be so called because champions slapped each other's open palms after they had agreed on the terms of a match or race, and with a draw it was as though they had no more than concluded the terms).
- Examples:
- Inā e paʻi ana e koho ana ʻoia, if it's a tie, he will vote.
- References:
- Cf. paʻi ā paʻi.
3. vt., To mix, as ingredients; to mingle.
4. To put clothes to soak, as in soapy water.
5. nvt., A bundle, package, especially of food; to tie up such a bundle; bunch, cluster, as of grapes (preceded by ke).
- Examples:
- Kū ke paʻi, what a load [of work to do].
- References:
- Cf. paʻi aʻa, paʻi ʻai, paʻi palaoa, paʻi ʻuala; paʻi waina.
6. Rare variant of paʻipaʻi; to strip, as bark.
7. nvt., Lining, as of pandanus or sugar-cane leaves, inside thatching of pili grass; to line thus.
8. vs., Decaying, of fruits or plants; blight.
9. Short for paʻi malau.
10. n., A heap.
11. vt., To evict, as from land.
- Examples:
- ʻO ka paʻi ʻana o ʻAikanaka i nā mākua … ma kēia paʻi ʻana a ʻAikanaka i nā mākua (FS 47), as for Man-eater's eviction of the parents … in this eviction by Man-eater of the parents [from their land] (note possessive prepositions o and a in similar environments).
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