Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvt., To slap, spank, beat, hit, clap; to print, publish; to snap, as pictures; to break, as a taboo; a slapping, slap, stamping, printing (several old types of tapa begin with paʻi: paʻipaʻinahā, paʻiua, paʻiʻula; preceded by ke).

  • Examples:
    • Paʻi ʻana, printing, edition, impression.
    • Paʻi ipu, to beat a gourd drum.
    • Ke kolu o ke paʻi ʻana, third edition.
  • References:

2. nvs., To tie; a draw; equal; to make an agreement (said to be so called because champions slapped each other's open palms after they had agreed on the terms of a match or race, and with a draw it was as though they had no more than concluded the terms).

  • Examples:
    • Inā e paʻi ana e koho ana ʻoia, if it's a tie, he will vote.
  • References:

3. vt., To mix, as ingredients; to mingle.

4. To put clothes to soak, as in soapy water.

5. nvt., A bundle, package, especially of food; to tie up such a bundle; bunch, cluster, as of grapes (preceded by ke).

6. Rare variant of paʻipaʻi; to strip, as bark.

7. nvt., Lining, as of pandanus or sugar-cane leaves, inside thatching of pili grass; to line thus.

8. vs., Decaying, of fruits or plants; blight.

9. Short for paʻi malau.

10. n., A heap.

11. vt., To evict, as from land.

  • Examples:
    • ʻO ka paʻi ʻana o ʻAikanaka i nā mākua … ma kēia paʻi ʻana a ʻAikanaka i nā mākua (FS 47), as for Man-eater's eviction of the parents … in this eviction by Man-eater of the parents [from their land] (note possessive prepositions o and a in similar environments).

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1. vt. To urge, encourage, rouse, stir up, excite. hoʻo.pai To encourage, cause to rouse, etc.

2. vt. To raise, lift up, increase. (PCP pai.)

3. vt. To laud, praise, exalt. Cf. pai aliʻi.

4. vt. To pamper, spoil, as a favorite child; to make a pet of. I kū nō ka hoʻokiʻekiʻe i ka pai ʻia e ke kupuna wahine, the willfulness is due to being pampered by the grandmother.

5. n. A funnelshaped wicker basket used for catching shrimps and small fish, so called because it was lifted (pai) from the water. Also ʻapai, ʻāpua.

6. n. A native fern (Adenophorus hymenophylloides) with clustered, narrow, pinnate fronds, 5 to 13 cm long, growing on trees at rather high altitudes. Also huna palai, palai huna.

7. n. A kind of snail shellfish said to be poisonous to touch (no data).

8. Same as pānānai. Rare. See kīkala pai.

9. n. Pie, tart. Eng. (1 Sam. 17.18.)


pākuʻina kaumuaprefix Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, A prefix meaning to laud, encourage; -ism, a suffix in English meaning devotion or adherence to something.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

Nā LepiliTags: grammar

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kikino, Pi (π), in math.

Nā LepiliTags: math

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kikinonoun / paʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia 🌐).

Nā LepiliTags: Niʻihau fauna fish

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hamanitransitive verb / paʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, As on a computer. To print.

  • Preceded by ke.
  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word

Nā LepiliTags: computers preceded by ke

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kikinonoun / paʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

kikino, As of a photograph or in movie or video production. Shot.

Nā LepiliTags: preceded by ke

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


hamanitransitive verb / paʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, As a photograph. To take, shoot, or snap.

  • Preceded by ke.
  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
  • Examples:
    • Mea paʻi kiʻi. Photographer, cameraperson.
    • Paʻi kiʻiʻoniʻoni. To shoot a movie film.
    • Paʻi wikiō. To shoot a video.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: preceded by ke

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hamanitransitive verb / paʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

hamani, To print, publish.

  • Preceded by ke.
  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word
  • Examples:
    • E paʻi ʻia ana nō. In press.
  • References:

v. To strike or smite with the palm of the hand.

2. E pai ka lima, to strike hands, i. e., to take or confirm an agreement. Puk. 6:8. E pai na lima, a ae na waha, lilo; hence, to make a bargain. Sol. 11:15.

3. To strike the hands together expressive of much feeling; a pai pu na lima ona, he smote his hands one against another.

4. To treat a person harshly or severely; pau ae la lakou i ke paiia me ka hewa ole, they were all hardly treated without any fault; malama oia i na ’lii, aole pai uku i ko lakou aina, he took care of the chiefs, he did not tax heavily the land.

5. To strike, i. e., to tax the people or punish them; to lay a tax upon the people for some real or imaginary offense; i ka wa i huhu ai na ’lii i kanaka, o ke pae ae la no ia i ka aina, when the chiefs were angry with the people, then they struck (taxed) the land.

6. To be bound with one in affection.

7. To appear; to rise up, as out of the water; ike iki lakou ia ia e pai wale mai ana no iluna o ka ilikai, he just saw him rising above the surface of the sea.

8. To pry up or block up one side of a thing when it is pried up.

9. To stamp; to print; to impress a stamp.

10. To drive or urge one away; e pai wale, to exercise in vain; to gain nothing for what one does; a i hopu pu i ka pahu, aole no eo (na kukini), pai wale.

11. To stir up sedition; to raise a persecution; pai mai la lakou ma ka olelo kaua, they excited the people through words of war.

12. To stir up or excite one’s desires; pai aku la ia i ka makemake nui i na kii.

13. To influence one to evil.

14. To mix together two ingredients, as wine with water. Isa. 1:22.

15. To plaster a house; to spread mortar; e pai hale.

16. Hoo. To strike back; to resist; to revenge; to avenge. Nah. 31:2.

17. To punish for some offense; e hoopai aku, no ke kaua wale ana o Kahekili ia ia, to punish him for Kahekili’s making war upon him without cause.

18. To recompense either good or evil; thus, hoopai pono, or hoopai hewa.

19. To visit or come to one for evil or for good.

20. To administer justice; to requite. Kanl. 32:6. To require; to recompense.

21. To end or finish a prayer in the preparation for war.

s. A row; a line.

2. A quantity of food done up in a globular form in ki leaves; he pai ai; a ball; a round loaf of bread; he pai palaoa; cakes, &c. Nah. 6:15.

3. A cluster or bunch; as, he pai maia, a bunch of bananas; he pai huawaina, a bunch of grapes.

4. A striking; a stamping; an impressing, i. e., a printing, as kapa is printed, or as paper is printed in a press.

5. Hoo. Hoopai, a punishment; a judgment. Puk. 7:4.

6. A kind of snail shell-fish, said to be poisonous to the touch.

7. A blight; a fading and dying of the leaves of vegetables; the act of decay in vegetables.

8. A shell or cup for scooping up the oopu; he pai oopu.


kikinonoun / PAI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., A tie or equality of numbers; a drawn game.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / PAI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Tied up; bound together; connected with; mingled with.

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1. n., Any substance reduced in size by compression; a pad: pai ai, compressed food.

2. n., A blow with a flat surface, as the palm of the hand.

3. n., A striking or impressing, as in printing; a stamping.

4. n., A tie in a game or contest.

5. n., Word used at the close of a prayer.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / pă-ī'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Deaf; unable to hear.

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v., To urge on.

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1. v., To strike with the palm of the hand.

2. v., To treat harshly; to turn off the land.

3. v., To stamp; to print.

4. v., To mix two or more ingredients.

5. v., To cover permanently, as in thatching a house.

6. v., To guarantee.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / pa'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Tied up; bound together; connected with; mingled with. Used in the phrase, pai pu ia.

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Bunch or cluster. He paʻi maiʻa, a bunch of bananas.

One who has eaten much.

Pie, tart.

Fish trap, a closely woven, funnel-shaped wicker basket for catching small fish, shrimps, etc. Pai, meaning to lift up or raise, gives the basket its name. See ʻāpua, pai ʻoʻopu.

Snail poisonous to the touch.

To finish a prayer in preparation for war. (A.)

(ke) pa‘i a printing: to strike with open hand, clap, slap, stamp, print.

1. To evict, as from land (PE). 2. Heap (PE).

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