Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ pā.haʻo.haʻo / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

vs. Mysterious, puzzling, incomprehensible; transfigured.

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v. Pa and haohao, to wonder at. To have another form; to be transfigured. Luk. 9:29.

2. To change one's appearance externally; to be changeable.

3. To change one's character.

4. Hoo. To transform. Rom. 12:2.

adj. Changed in appearance; transfigured; having another external form.

2. That which cannot be laid hold of; not material; not substantial, as a ghost; he mea pahaohao, a bodiless thing.

3. Wavering; fickle; unsteady, as in feeling or conduct; in doubt or suspense; undecided.

Pahaohao (pa'-ha'o-ha'o), adj.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Changed in appearance; transfigured; having another external form.

2. That which cannot be laid hold of; not material; not substantial, as a ghost: he mea pahaohao, a bodiless thing.

3. Wavering; fickle; unsteday, as in feeling or conduct; in doubt or suspense; undecided.

Pahaohao (pā'-ha'o-ha'o), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Pa and haohao, to wonder at.]

1. To have another form; to be transfigured.

2. To be changed in appearance or character.


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