Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvt., To improvise a chant; an improvised or conversation chant, as the kepakepa.

  • References:
    • PCP pa(f,s)a.

2. n., Uncooked young taro leaves.

3. Same as kūpala, a plant.

4. n., A kind of surfboard.

  • Rare

5. Short for pahāha.

  • Rare

6. Particle, Maybe, perhaps, probably, possibly, may, might (very common, used to make speech less blunt and more conciliatory, something like English use of the conditional mode; it frequently follows ʻaʻole and pēlā, and never occurs after a pause).

  • Examples:
    • ʻAʻole paha, maybe not, possibly not, likely not, probably not.
    • Pēlā paha, maybe so.
    • Ā … paha, or.
    • ʻElua ā ʻekolu paha (For. 4:259), two or three.
    • ʻO ka poʻe kōkua e hana i kekahi hewa ʻofeni, ā ua noho paha malaila, the people who help in the committing of an offense, or are present there.
    • Hele paha, [I] may [or might] go.
  • References:
    • Gram. 7.5.
    • PCP pa(f,s)a.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. Pride; haughtiness of bearing. See PAHAHA.

s. The name of a plant, the leaf of which is used for food during a scarcity; in some places it is called kapala.

2. A surf board; he papa heenalu.

v., To be proud; to boast; to be lofty in one's bearing. See pahapaha.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adv. Perhaps; it may be so, &c.; expressive of doubt. NOTE.—It is often used when there is very little or no doubt; a frequent expletive; ae paha, yes perhaps, a polite way of assenting to one's opinion while the speaker withholds full belief, or even holds to an opposite opinion.

Paha (pā'-ha), adv.

/ pā'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Perhaps; it may be so, etc.; expressive of doubt. [Paha is often used when there is very little or no doubt; a frequent expletive: ae paha, yes perhaps a polite way of assenting to one's opinion while the speaker withholds full belief, or even holds to an opposite opinion.]

Paha (pā'-hā'), adv. and adj.

/ pā'-hā' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Four times; by fours.

Paha (pă'-ha), n.

/ pă'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Same as pala, a plant of the amau class, the leaf of which is used for food during a scarcity; in some places it is called kapala.

2. A surf board; he papa heenalu.

Paha (pā'-ha), n.

/ pā'-ha / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Pride; haughtiness of bearing.

v., To be proud; to boast; to be lofty in one's bearing. Syn: Pahapaha.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Long surfboard of wiliwili wood.

Wild sweet potato or morning glory with enlarged tuber eaten in time of famine. (PE.) The leaf of a plant eaten in time of scarcity. (A.) Also called kūpala.

Variety of sweet potato much like koali ʻuala with a heart- shaped leaf. Roots were generally used only as hog feed but were cooked for humans in time of famine. (HP 133.) A wild sweet potato; name of a plant eaten in time of scarcity. Also called kabala, kūbala. (A.; PE.)


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