Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs., Cluster, row, group; margin or bank, as of a taro patch; level, as of a platform.

  • Examples:
    • I ka hele ʻana o ka imu ā ʻenaʻena, ua ʻōhelo nohoʻi ka lāʻau ulu imu a nonoho a pae like, when the oven is red-hot, the oven-poking stick is pushed around so that [the stones] are in even levels.
  • References:

2. vi., To land, disembark, come ashore; to mount or catch a wave, as of a surf rider; washed or drifted ashore.

  • Examples:
    • Niho pae, a loose tooth.
    • Manu pae, a bird that lands from afar, as a migratory bird.
    • Palaoa pae, whale washed ashore.
    • Pae i ka nalu, to ride a wave into the shore.
    • Poʻe pae mai, immigrants.
    • ʻA ʻole e pae nā waʻa o ke aliʻi iāʻoe (Nak. 56), the chief's canoes cannot land because of you.
    • E ʻai kākou. Mahalo, ua pae kēia waʻa. Let's eat. Thanks, this canoe has landed [i.e., I have eaten].
  • References:
    • PPN pae.

3. n., Type of sweet potato, pronunciation uncertain.

  • References:
    • For. 5:664–5.

Nā LepiliTags: epithets flora ʻuala

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Stage, level of development; level of difficulty, as intermediate or advanced; rank, as in an orderly arrangement.

Nā LepiliTags: Niʻihau

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Chain, range, series of geographical features.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Platform, as DOS, UNIX, Macintosh, etc., for a computer program.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning

Nā LepiliTags: computers

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Category or level, in a computer search.

v. To flap or shake, as a sail; to turn one side or be loose, as a tooth; as an adjective, he niho pae, a loose tooth.

2. To be carried along by the surf towards the shore; to play on the surf-board; to come to a land, as a boat or canoe; to go ashore from a vessel; to cross a river to the opposite shore. Ios. 4:18. To float ashore from the sea; no na laau hao i pae mua mai, for the timber with iron that had previously floated ashore.

3. To lift up; to raise a little.

4. To strip the bark from a tree; to peel off, as the skin of a banana or of a kalo.

5. To strike upon the ear, as a distant sound; to sound, as from a distance.

6. To be published extensively.

7. Hoo. To land; to put ashore, as a person or goods from a vessel. 1 Nal. 5:9.

s. A cluster; a few; a small company; he pae hao wale, robbers. SYN. with poe and puu.

2. A voice; a sound.

3. A bank of a kalo patch; those parts that are beaten to make them water tight; he mea hana ia ka loi ma na pae e pai mua ai—pakui i ka pohaku ma ua mau pae la—a paa na pae eha.

A sign of the plural number; as, keia pae aina or keia pae moku, these islands. Gram. § 86 and 92.

cluster, group; margin or border: to be cast ashore; to land.

Margin or bank as of a taro patch; level as of a platform (PE).

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