Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Above. Luna, i luna, maluna, i nuna. Over and above, ʻoi aku, pākeu, ā ʻoi.

2. Completed. Pau.

3. Again. Hou. Do over, hana hou. Do over and over, hana hou ā hana hou; kaʻawelekā (rare).

i. maluna.

hl. e keu ana.

mālu'nă; (across), maō' ă'ĕ; (excess), 'oĭ.

1. Maluna'e. SYN. above. 2. Ma o ae; ma kela aoao. SYN. across. Over and over, kaaihe.

E huli iā “over” ma Ulukau.

Search for “over” on Ulukau.

Hāpai i wehewehena hou a i ʻole i ʻōlelo hoʻoponoponoSuggest a translation or correction

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