Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


There is no general term; the main usages follow:

1. Usually intransitive, a state of being open, as a door. Hāmama; makili, mikili, nakili, hoʻomakili (as a crack); kūnihi; kaʻakaʻa (as eyes); ākea.

2. As a flower. Mōhala, hoʻomōhala, mōhalu, molokala, pohala, makala, mokala, ōpū, ʻōmeʻo.

3. Transitive, as a door, package. Wehe, ʻuwehe, ʻuehe, weke, wekeweke, hemo, māwehe, māweke; huʻe (as an oven); ʻūpā, hāʻupā; hoʻohāmama, ʻōlepe; hoʻokaʻakaʻa (as eyes).

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ʻaʻano, As for business; unlocked; ajar. Hemo.

  • Examples:
    • Huaʻi i ka imu. To open an imu.
    • Wiliaho hāmama. Open reel, as for fishing.
  • References:

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ʻaʻano, As a primary election. Kūākea.

  • Examples:
    • Wae moho kūākea. Open primary.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: politics

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hamani, To complete, as an electric circuit. Hoʻokuʻi.

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ʻaʻano, As a frame in a computer program. Kaʻakaʻa.

  • Examples:
    • Mōlina kaʻakaʻa. Open frame.
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: computers

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To be open, as for a play in basketball. Hemo.

Nā LepiliTags: sports basketball

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hamani, To separate. Māwehe.

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ʻaʻano, Open, i.e. unrestricted to the general public, as in seating, parking, or other areas. Noa.

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hamani, As a file. Wehe.

e wehe, e hoohamama.

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hai. e wehe, e hoohamama.

ha. aole i peluia, hamama ana.

hamă'mă: to open, wĕ'hĕ, he'mŏ; (unfold), moha'lă.

1. E hamama: e wehe. 2. E mohala. SYN. unfold. 3. E makili. To open the mind, e hoomakili i ka naau.

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