Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


kikinonoun Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

n., Whiplash used to throw a keʻa, dart, as of olonā fiber.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


/ ʻō.muʻa / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

Variant of ʻōmuʻo.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To tie up the wound of the foreskin when cut off in circumcision.

2. To tie a string around the fore end of the pua or came top to make a papua for playing that game; e omua ke kumu o ka pua i ke kaula.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To wrap; to infold the wound of the foreskin when cut off in circumcision.

2. v., To tie a string around the fore end of the pua or cane top to make an arrow for playing the game of kapua: e omua ke kumu o ka pua i ke kaula. See omuo.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

To tie a string around the fore end of the pua (sugarcane top) to make a pāpua (arrow) for playing archery.

E huli iā “omua” ma Ulukau.

Search for “omua” on Ulukau.

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