Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvs., Red hot, blazing hot; burning, smarting, as an itch.

  • Examples:
    • He ʻula okooko, fiery red.
    • I loko ʻoia o ke okooko o ke kaua, he was in the heat of battle.
    • Waha okooko, venemous, slanderous mouth.

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s. A blaze; anything red hot, as the iron from a blacksmith's forge; as stones thrown out of the volcano; a fiery redness. Laieik. 176.

2. Any one in a dazzling dress.

3. The zeal of a soldier pressing boldly into battle.


/ O-KO-O-KO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

v. To burn, as the sensation of the itch; okooko ka maneo; or the erysipelas.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adv. Ragingly; heatedly, &c.

Okooko (ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko), adv.

/ ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Ragingly; heatedly, etc.

Okooko (ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko), n.

/ ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A blaze; anything red hot, as the iron from a blacksmith's forge; as stones thrown out of the volcano; a fiery redness. Laieik. p. 176.

2. Any one in a dazzling dress.

3. The zeal of a soldier pressing boldly into battle.

Okooko (ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko), v.

/ ō'-kŏ-ō'-ko / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be red hot; to become greatly excited; to be violent.

2. To burn, as the sensation of the itch; okooko ka maneo, or the erysipelas.

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