Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ ʻō.iwi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. nvs., Native, native son.

  • Examples:
    • Hui ʻōiwi, society of native sons.
  • References:

2. nvi., Physique, appearance; to appear.

  • Examples:
    • Lamalama ka ʻōiwi, a physique glowing with health.
    • Maikaʻi hoʻi kō ia ala ʻōiwi kino, he certainly has a fine physique.
    • Nani ka ʻōiwi o Hilo i ka lehua (chant, For. 5:305), Hilo appears beautiful with lehua.

3. n., Self; own.

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ʻaʻano, Indigenous, native.

  • Source:
    • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • Examples:
    • Manu ʻōiwi. Native bird.
    • Meakanu ʻōiwi. Indigenous plant.
  • References:

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s., See iwi, s., The substantial part of a thing; that which gives character or adds ornament; the upper naked person of a well built man; o hele a hoike aku i ko oiwi i ke kumu; maikai ka oiwi o mea, kihi peahi lua, maikai ka oiwi ke nana aku, pakaka.

Nani ka oiwi o Hilo i ka lehua
Ke kui la i ke one i Waiolama
Nani ke kino o ia laau, he laau.

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/ ō-ĭ-wĭ' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The substantial part of a thing; that which gives character or adds ornament; the upper nude person of a well built man: O hele a hoike aku i ko oiwi i ke kumu; maikai ka oiwi o mea, kihi peahi lua, maikai ka oiwi ke nana aku, pakaka.

Nani ka oiwi o Hilo i ka lehua
Ke kui la i ke one i Waiolama
Nani ke kino o ia laau, he laau.

2. n., Outline; character; personal appearance.

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Well-built man with bare upper body; native son.

personal appearance; substantial part.

1. To project upward, as a mountain peak (T). 2. Native, native son (PE).

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