Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvi., Hair of the head; leaves of plants; fronds of ferns (see ex., ʻūpalu); to leaf out, sprout.

  • Examples:
    • Oho kā hoʻi ka ulu ʻana o ka palai, the ferns are growing and sending out leaves.
  • References:

2. nvi., To call out, cry, yell; outcry; to leap up, as startled birds.

  • Examples:
    • Ke oho ʻālana (For. 6:377), the proclaimed offering.
  • References:
    • PPN ofo.

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kikino, Capillary, i.e. one of the minute blood vessels between the arteries and the veins.

  • Existing dictionary word, New meaning
  • Examples:
    • No ka liʻiliʻi loa o kekahi mau oho, pono e nānā ʻia me ka ʻohe hoʻonui ʻike. Since some capillaries are so small, they must be observed using a microscope.

Nā LepiliTags: anatomy

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., To cry out; more often hooho; to exclaim, cry out, as many voices; to cry out, exclaim, as a single voice; hooho ae la ia leo nui, a pane mai la ia me ka hooho ana, auwe! pau! See HOOHO. To cry out, as a flock of birds on being frightened; oho ae la ka auna manu i ka ilio.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s. The hair of the head. Mat. 5:36. Or human hair; oho hina, gray hair. Kin. 42:38. See LAUOHO.

2. The leaves of the cocoanut trees from their resemblance to hair; wehe ke kaiaulu i ke oho o ka niu, the strong wind loosens the leaves of the cocoanuts.

Oho (ō'-ho), n.

/ ō'-ho / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Contraction of lauoho.]

1. The hair of the head; human hair; oho hina, gray hair.

2. The leaves of the coconut trees, from their resemblance to hair; wehe ke kaiaulu i ke oho o ka niu, the strong wind loosens the leaves of the coconuts.

Oho (ŏ'-ho), n.

/ ŏ'-ho / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A calling; an outcry.

Oho (ŏ'-ho), v.

/ ŏ'-ho / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To cry out; to exclaim, cry out, as many voices; to cry out, exclaim, as a single voice; hooho ae la ia leo nui, a pane mai la ia me ka hooho ana, auwe! pau! To cry out, as a flock of birds on being frightened; oho ae la ka auna manu i ka ilio. Hooho is more often used.

To call, cry out.

Hair of the head.

Leaves of the coconut tree, so called from their resemblance to hair; to leaf or sprout out.

(ke) oho hair of head; leaves.

a calling: to call out.

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