Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Reduplication of oe; whistle, as of steamer or train, siren; bull-roarer, as made of kamani seed or coconut shell on a long string; long, tall, tapering, towering; a long object, pillar (preceded by ke).

2. Same as lupeʻakeke, a bird.

3. n., Temporary booth occupied by priests during taboo days of a heiau.

  • References:
    • Malo 163.

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kikino Alarm bell, as on a clock or fire alarm. Dic., ext. mng. Also pele. See oeoe uahi.

Long, stretched out, as the neck of a goose. Oeoe ka ʻaʻio ka manu nēnē, long is the neck of the nēnē, goose.

Sprit of a sail.

steam whistle.


(ke) oeoe whistle or horn of train, steamer or automobile; lengthened neck.

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