Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n. Group of Hawaiian honey creepers (Hemignathus lucidus 🌐 lucidus, H. l. hanapepe [endangered sp.], H. l. affinis [endangered sp.]) with long curved upper mandible and shorter lower mandible of the beak, with subspecies on Kauaʻi (hanapepe), Oʻahu (lucidus), and Maui (affinis), and a closely related endangered species (Hemignathus wilsoni 🌐) on Hawaiʻi. Plumage is brownish-green on the back, yellow-green below. The Hawaiʻi species is also called ʻakihi poʻo lāʻau. Literally, hunched beak.

2. nvi. Protruding lips; to pout the lips. Figuratively, to speak evil of others, do them evil.

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