1. n. Beak, snout, tip, end; spout, beak of a pitcher; mouth or entrance, as of a harbor, river, or mountain pass or gap. See idioms, hapahapai and huapala 2. Nuku awa, entrance to a harbor. Ka nuku o ka ule hala, tip of aerial pandanus root. Ka nuku kaulana o Nuʻu-anu, the famous Nuʻu-anu gap. Puʻuʻ ka nuku, to protrude the lips. (PPN ngutu.)
2. nvs. Scolding, raving, ranting, grumbling; to nag. (PNP ngutu.)
3. n. Series of hooks attached to a line (Malo 79); first coconut husk attached to an ʻahi fishline, the others being poli (bosom), and manamana (fingers). Ka nuku o ka puaʻa, poetic name for deep-sea ulua fishing line; lit., the pig snout.
4. n. See below for nuku sequences as names of taros, a legume, sweet potatoes, jackfish, and birds.