Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs., Thick; piled one on top of the other, as leis, mats, or ocean swells; heaped; lush, thick-growing; much traveled, as a road; multitude, as of people, mass.

  • Examples:
    • Moena kumu nuʻa, a sleeping mat made thick at one end to serve as a head rest; literally, mat piled beginning.
    • Nuʻa moena, a heap of mats.
    • Nuʻa kanaka, many people.
    • Haki nuʻa ka uahi i ke kai, the spray breaks in masses in the sea.
    • Ka nuʻa o ka palai, the thick clump of palai ferns.

2. n., A kind of seaweed.

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Heap of mats, perhaps eight or ten, piled one on top of another.

Road much traveled; mats and leis stacked in thick piles; surging, rising in swells, as the ocean.

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