Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvs., Short, thickset, plump but not tall (said more often of plants than of humans).

2. n., A native variety of banana, bearing small bunches of thick, round fruit, eaten raw or cooked, the skin yellow, the flesh cream-colored.

3. vi., To eat greedily with great mouthfuls, even when no longer hungry.

4. n.-poss., For me, mine, in my honor (o-form, Gram. 9.11).

Nā LepiliTags: flora maiʻa foods food

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

vs. Suffused with water; drenched, as with rain; moist and fragrant, as a flower in the rain or dew.

1. nvt., To throw, pelt, cast, pitch, hurl; buffeting, throwing; pitcher.

  • Examples:
    • ʻO ka hoʻoili i ka ihu o ka waʻa a nou i ke kai (chant), to conduct the prow of the canoe until it beats into the sea.
    • Lehua maka nou i ke ahi (chant by Hiʻiaka), Lehua face pelted by the fire.
  • References:

2. n.-poss. For you, yours, in your honor (o-form, singular; Gram. 9.11).

  • References:
    • PCP no(o)u.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

hamani, To throw overhand; baseball pass, in basketball; to throw such a pass.

  • Existing dictionary word, Extended meaning
  • References:

Nā LepiliTags: sports

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v. To blow hard, as a gale of wind; nou mai ka makani.

2. To puff; to fill with wind. See HAANOU.

3. To send out or abroad, as thunder. Iob. 37:3.

4. To throw or cast a stone; nou aku la i ka pohaku, a pa i ka auwae, he threw a stone and it struck the chin; to throw stones. 2 Sam. 16:6. Pohaku nouia, a stone thrown. Nah. 35:17.

5. To strike, as the rays of the sun; to be very hot, as the rays of the sun; e wela nui mai ka la, e ko nui mai; nou iho ka la o keia aina o Lahaina, the sun of this land of Lahaina strikes down.

6. Haa. To be puffed up; to be self-important. 1 Kor. 4:18.

7. To boast. Ezek. 35:13.

s. A puff or blast of wind.

pers. pron., second person. An oblique case of oe, thou. Thy; thine; of thee; for thee, &c. Gram.§ 132. Nou ka nou, or nau, yours is the fault; none to blame but yourself.

adj. Epithet of a servant born of a common person and a kauwa aumakua; a hanau mai ke keiki, he nou ka inoa o ia keiki.

pers. pron., first person. Oblique case of au or wau, I. My; mine; for me. Gram.§ 124.

v. To eat to the full; to glut with food; to gormandize; to eat very often.

Noʻu (no'u), possessive pronoun.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

For me; belonging to me; mine: no'u kela, that is mine.

Nou (nŏ-ū'), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be wet with rain; to be suffused with water.

2. To he fragrant.

To eat to the full; to glut with food; to gormandize; to take great mouthfuls.

1. To throw; with makani, to blow.

2. To hurl; to send forth, as sound, thought, heat, words, etc

Nou (nō'u), pers. pron.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Yours; for you.

1. A puff or blast of wind; a hurling; a flinging.

2. A child born of a. misalliance.

3. Progeny of mixed blood; a child born of father and mother of different races.

Native banana growing in small bunches of plump, round fruit. Edible, cooked or raw. (PE.)

To eat in large mouthfuls, eat greedily.

To throw a stone; to cast stones.

Servant born of a common person and a kauwa ʻaumakuā. (A.)

To blow hard, as a gale of wind; puff or blast of wind.

h. he inon, he haiinoa.

to throw at.



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