Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ noʻo.noʻo / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

nvt., Thought, reflection, thinking, meditation; to think, reflect, meditate, concentrate; to consider, as a case at law; thoughtful, mental.

  • Examples:
    • Noʻonoʻo makua, to be thoughtful and considerate of parents and elders, filial.
    • Noʻonoʻo pono, to think carefully, meditate, concentrate.
    • Noʻonoʻo mua, to anticipate, estimate (see ʻōlelo noʻonoʻo).
    • Noʻonoʻo hāiki, narrow-minded; a narrow mind.
    • Noʻonoʻo laulā, broad-minded.
    • Noʻonoʻo nui, to think much, concentrate, meditate; meditation.
  • References:

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/ NOO-NOO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. v., See noo. To think; to reflect; to consider in order to give an opinion.

2. To meditate; to think of the past; to think with approbation.

3. Hoonoonoo. To cause to think; to think and act the man; to act wisely; e hookanaka.

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kikinonoun / NOO-NOO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., A thought; a device; a subject of meditation; in the plural, thoughts; opinions; ua hoopuka ia mai na noonoo, the thoughts (opinions) were openly expressed; an invention; seeking something new.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / NOO-NOO / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Thinking; reflecting; skillful; planning; thoughtful.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / no'o-no'o / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Thinking; reflecting; skillful; planning; thoughtful.

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kikinonoun / no'o-no'o / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., A thought; a device; a subject of meditation; in the plural, thoughts; opinions; Ua hoopuka ia mai na noonoo, the thoughts (opinions) were openly expressed; an idea; seeking of something new; the outcome of noonoo.

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/ no'o-no'o / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Noo, to think.]

1. v., To think; to reflect; to consider in order to give an opinion.

2. v., To meditate; to think of the past; to think with approbation.

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Thinking, planning, reflecting; thoughtful, meditative.

a thought: to think, reflect.

1. Plan, consider. 2. Planning; to consider in order to give an opinion (AP).

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