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Reduplication of noe; gray-haired; to feel foggy due to intoxication, befogged.

  • Examples:
    • Ua pā kīʻaha paha lā, ke noenoe mai nei, maybe he's touched a glass, the one here who is so befogged.

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v. To sprinkle a little, as fine rain; to be damp in the air, as a fog; to rain, yet scarcely discernible to the eye.

2. To blow fresh; applied to the wind noe. See the noun, 2. Ke noenoe mai la ka makani.

s. A mist; a spray; small fine rain; a fog. See AWA and AWAHIA.

2. The name of a wind at Lahaina from over the land; the north-east trade wind.

s. See NOE, mist. A fog; a fine mist; a rain.

2. A gray head; a gray headed person.

v. See NOE 2. To blow, as the wind; ke noenoe mai la ka makani.

2. To sprinkle; to wet, as a fog or a mist; to bedew.

3. To be intoxicated.

Noenoe (nō'-ĕ-nō'-e), n.

/ nō'-ĕ-nō'-e / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Noe, mist.]

1. A fog; a fine mist; a rain.

2. A gray head; a gray-headed person.

3. Gloom of the mist; the shadow that overspreads the land just before dark.

Noenoe (nō'-ĕ-nō'-e), v.

/ nō'-ĕ-nō'-e / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To blow lightly, as the wind; ke noenoe mai la ka makani.

2. To be sprinkled; to wet, as in a fog or a mist; to bedew.

3. To be slightly intoxicated or stupefied.

4. To be misty or foggy.

Fine mist, fog, or rain. Uakea o Hāna, the fine mist of Hana.

Fine mist, fog, or rain.

To blow, as the wind. Also called nōnoenoe.

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