Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi., Mist, fog, vapor, rain spray; to form a mist; to settle gently as mist (poetic); misty.

  • Examples:
    • Ua noe, misty rain.
    • Noe ke ʻala o ka lehua, misty is the fragrance of the lehua.
    • Noe wale mai nō ke aloha i kuʻu lei aʻu i haku ai, love alights like mist over the lei I have woven.
  • References:
    • Perhaps PEP ngoʻe; cf. Easter ngoʻe.

2. (Cap.) n., A rare name for the northeast tradewind (Moaʻe).

  • Rare

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v., To sprinkle a little, as fine rain; to be damp in the air, as a fog; to rain, yet scarcely discernible to the eye.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

s., A mist; a spray; small fine rain; a fog. See awa and awahia.

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1. n., A mist; a spray; small fine rain; a fog. Syn: Awa and awahia.

2. n., A wind at Lahaina from over the land; the north-east trade wind.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., To sprinkle a little, as fine rain; to be damp in the air, as a fog; to rain, yet scarcely so as to be discernible to the eye.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Mist or fine rain, spray or fog; to sprinkle a little, as fine rain; to be damp, as fog; to rain, yet be scarcely discernible.

Northeast trade winds, from overland at Lahaina; unusual name for trade winds.

mist, spray.

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