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Variant spelling of naue.

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v. (The first orthography is preferable.) To shake; to move to and fro.

2. To tremble; to vibrate, as the earth in an earthquake. 1 Sam. 14:15. Synonymous with haalulu.

3. To move away a little; to withdraw from others to a private place; naue aku la ka makaula ma kahi kaawale, a pule aku la. PASS. To be moved. Hoo. To trouble one when quiet. 1 Sam. 28:15. To change one’s mind. 2 Tes. 2:2.

v. See NAUE. All these forms are found with the reduplications according to the writer’s fancy; but the simple original form is naue, naueue. To shake; to vibrate; to tremble. Hal. 18:7. To be moved or shaken, as nations. Hal. 46:6. To be shaken often. 2 Sam. 22:8. Synonymous with haalulu. Hoo. To cause to shake or tremble.

s. See other forms above. A trembling; a shaking; a vibrating.

Nauwe (nă'u-we), n.

/ nă'u-we / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A trembling; a shaking; a vibrating.

Nauwe (nă'u-we), v.

/ nă'u-we / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be shaken; to be moved; to be moved a little; to be shoved along. Hoonaue is the active form.


heheleintransitive verb Community Dictionary (2017+),

Archaic spelling of naue, to move, etc.

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