/ nalo.wale /vs., Lost, gone, forgotten, vanished, missing, hidden, extinct, disappeared (especially if unaccountably so); infinite (Gram. 10.3); to lose.
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vs., Lost, gone, forgotten, vanished, missing, hidden, extinct, disappeared (especially if unaccountably so); infinite (Gram. 10.3); to lose.
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v. Nalo, to vanish, and wale, entirely. To be lost sight of; to be forgotten. Kanl. 4:8.
2. To forget; to hide; to secrete.
3. Hoo. To put one’s self out of sight; to conceal one’s self.
adj. Lost; out of sight; out of memory. 1 Sam. 9:20. Concealed. NOTE.—Nalowale has been supposed to be one of the highest of a series of numbers; as, kauna, kanaha, lau, mano, kini, lehu, nalowale; but nalowale only signifies that the person can go no further—that his mind fails to comprehend any higher or further combination of numbers, and by nalowale the person means, it is lost, vanished, he knows no more.
Lost: out of sight; out of memory; concealed. (Nalowale has been supposed to be one of the highest of a series of numbers; as, kauna, kanaha, lau, mano, kini, lehu. nalowale; but nalowale signifies only that the person can go no further —that his mind fails to comprehend any higher or further combination of numbers, and by nalowale is meant, it is lost, vanished, he knows no more.)
[Nalo, to vanish, and wale, entirely.] To be lost sight of; to be forgotten.
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