/ naha.wele /1. n., A bivalve of the family Isognomonidae 🌐.
2. Same as hulu ʻīlio (Chaetomorpha antennina 🌐), a seaweed.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. n., A bivalve of the family Isognomonidae 🌐.
2. Same as hulu ʻīlio (Chaetomorpha antennina 🌐), a seaweed.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
s. The muscle shell-fish; he wahi ano pioeoe.
A species of mussel (Mytilus crebristriatus); he wahi ano pioeoe. Same as pioeoe.
2. Bivalve molluscs of the genus Perna.
3. Barnacles, shelled crustacea attached to rocks between high and low tide levels.
Edible shellfish (family Isognomonidae), a bivalve. Also called nakawele, mahawele; Toothed pearl shells.
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