Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n. Rock crevice, as in the sea; full of holes, chinks. Ka ula noho i ka naele (FS 49), the lobster living in the crevices.

2. vs. Stretched out of shape; yielding, soft, miry, spongy; misshapen; swamp, mire, bog; to stretch. hoʻo.naele Caus/sim.; to soften, as earth for planting.

adj. Full of holes, cracks or chinks.

s. Mire; deep mud. See NAKELE, boggy, and NAKA.

v. To scatter, as men who do not abide by their work; to be distributed by littles; to be dissipated or scattered.

2. To get into a slough or into the mud; to sink down.

3. FIG. To get into difficulty; aia ka kakou e malama ai, o naele auanei kakou, it is for us to take heed, lest we get into the mud, i. e., into difficulty; o naele auanei kakou, a pahemo, a haule ilalo.

Naele (nā'-ē'-le), adj.

/ nā'-ē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Loose; not firm; yielding, said of spongy ground; heavy with moisture.

2. Open; loose; full of holes, as cloth of poor quality.

Naele (nā'-ē'-le), n.

/ nā'-ē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Mire; deep mud. Related to nakele, boggy, and naka, unsteady.


/ nā'-ē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To be soft; to be elastic, applied to marshy ground.

2. v., To be so rotten as to give way under pressure; to be boggy.

3. v., To scatter, as men who do not abide by their work; to be dissipated or scattered.

4. v., To get into a slough or into the mud; to sink down.

5. v., Fig. To get into difficulty; aia ka kakou e malama ai, o naele auanei kakou, it is for us to take heed, lest we get into the mud, that is, into difficulty; o naele auanei kakou, a pahemo, a haule ilalo.

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