Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


prep. By, for, belonging to (a-form).

  • Examples:
    • Na wai ʻoe (FS 117)? Who was your parent? (Literally, by who you?)
    • Aloha ʻolua na Ka-wai, greetings to you both from Ka-wai [close of a letter].
    • He puke na Pua, a book for Pua; a book by Pua [ambiguous].
  • References:
    • See no and Gram. 9.11.
    • PCP na(a).

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simp. prep. Of; for; belonging to. Placed before nouns or pronouns, it conveys the idea of possession, property or duty. It has the relation to no that a has to o, or ka to ko. Gram. § 69, 1, 2, 3.

art., standing before nouns, represents the plural number; as, ke alii, the chief; na alii, chiefs or the chiefs. Na often answers the double purpose of a plural article (that is, a plural for all the other articles which are singular), and the sign of the plural number of the noun. As an article, it is both definite and indefinite. Gram. § 67; also, § 83. 86 and 87.

A particle somewhat frequent, adding strength to an expression either positive or negative; aole na he wahine e, o ka moopuna na a Waka, she is not certainly any other woman, she is certainly the grandchild of Waka. Laieik. 128.

v. To be quiet; to be pacified, as a child; ua na ke keiki, the child is quiet; to be comforted, as one in affliction. Ier. 31:15.

2. To enjoy respite from pain; a pau kana heluhelu ana, noho iho la ia e na aku i ka mea manao ole.

3. To gasp or half breathe, as a dying person.

4. Hoo. The same; also, in a legal sense, to settle difficulties; to decide between different claimants; as, e hoona kumu kuleana aina, to settle land claims.

adj. Quiet; pacified, as an aggrieved child; calmed; quieted, as one’s passions.

definite article, plural: of, for, belonging to.

E huli iā “na” ma Ulukau.

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