/ nē.nē /1. nvi., To chirp, as a cricket; to croak, as a mudhen; crying, as in distress; whimpering, as a sleeping infant; rumor, gossip; to be attracted to; cherish, think of, as with affection.
- Examples:
- ʻO nā kānaka Hawaiʻi, he poʻe makeʻe haku, he poʻe nēnē ʻili kapu, the Hawaiian people are people who cherish their lords, people constantly thinking of the sacred skin [of chiefs].
- References:
2. n., Hawaiian goose (Nesochen sandvicensis 🌐), protected and rare on Maui and in Hawaiʻi uplands (down to 40 at one time and about 1,000 in 1978).
3. n., Mat pattern: two vertical rows of triangles, with the bases below, and the apices touching the bases above.
4. n., A variety of ʻawa, stems green with dark-green spots.
5. Same as ʻaiakanēnē, a plant.
- References:
- Neal 803.
6. Probably same as nēnē ʻau kai.
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