Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvi. Buzzing, humming sound, as of flies, perhaps a lower tone than the mumuhi; to swarm. Rare. Cf. muhu. (PPN mumusu.

2. vs. Fat, very plump. Rare.

v. To be large; to be plump; to be numerous; to sound, as many voices; to hum an indistinct sound.

s. An indistinct sound, as of many together; hence, a crowd of people in one place.

Mumuhu (mŭ'-mū'-hu), n.

/ mŭ'-mū'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. An indistinct sound, as of many together.

2. A crowd of people in one place.

Mumuhu (mŭ'-mū'-hu), v.

/ mŭ'-mū'-hu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be large; to be plump; to be numerous; to sound, as many voices; to hum an indistinct sound.

Loud buzzing of insects, as of hornets. A louder hum than that of mumuhi (mosquitoes).

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