/ mū.ʻā /1. n., Feeding mouth-to-mouth.
- Examples:
- ʻAi ā kau, ʻai ā mūʻā (KL. line 472), fed in the mouth, fed mouth-to-mouth.
- References:
2. n., Bottle-necked gourd, as used for drinking.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. n., Feeding mouth-to-mouth.
2. n., Bottle-necked gourd, as used for drinking.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
1. loc.n., Before, ahead, forward, in advance, future, front, first, former, foremost, primary, principal; previously, beforehand; oldest, older brother or sister; senior branch of a family; leader, senior partner, senior; more than.
2. n., Men's eating house.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v. To mumble food, as for a child; to eat with the lips.
adv. and comp. prep. Of place, before; in front of; of time, first; previous to; before; usually prefixed with some of the simple prepositions. Gram. § 161.
s. The name of a house for men only in ancient times; the house was kapu to women.
2. The distinguishing name of one of the six houses constituting a family arrangement. See HALE. Eono hale o na kanaka—he mua, oia kekahi, men had six houses—a mua was one; the mua was the eating house for the husband; ai no ke kane ma ka mua, the husband ate in the mua. See Mooolelo Hawaii 59. Holo kiki aku la o Papa a komo i mua e paio me Wakea. Papa ran hastily and entered the eating house or husband’s house to quarrel with Wakea.
2. The front part of a house or room. 1 Nal. 6:20.
3. A poor looking calabash.
4. A person with pouting or large lips.
5. The first born of a family.
6. The first; the beginning; the commencement. Mar. 1:1.
1. A house for men only in ancient times; the house was tabu to women. The women's houses were nua and pea.
2. The distinguishing name of one of the six houses constituting a family arrangement. See hale. Eoho hale o na kanaka—he mua, oia kekahi, men had six houses—a mua was one; the mua was the eating house for the husband; ai no ke kane ma ka mua, the husband ate in the mua. D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, Chap. 59; Holo kiki aku la o Papa a komo i ka mua e paio me Wakea. Papa ran hastily and entered the eating house or husband's house to quarrel with Wakea.
3. The front; front part; frontage.
4. A preceding all else.
To feed from mouth to mouth, an old custom among Hawaiians; that is, to chew food and feed it to small children.
A bottle-necked calabash, such as were used to drink out of.
Previously; beforehand.
Foremost; preceding all others in a series; first.
Older brother or sister.
Eating house of the men.
Poor looking calabash. (A.) Bottle-necked gourd, as used for drinking. (PE.)
Older sister or brother.
first; previously; foremost.
Future; first; former; previously.
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