Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Neʻe (intransitive); hoʻoneʻe (transitive, as an object or a checker); naue, nauwe; kaʻi hele (in line or succession or as in checkers); noi (parliamentary); peki (step by step); kuʻi (in kōnane game); kūwili (restlessly); ānehe, ānehenehe (stealthily); ʻanau (with jerky motion); kuekueʻo (slightly); palanehe (daintily); move backwards, neʻehope, mene; move back and forth, helo, helohelo, kuʻe, kuʻekuʻena, uene, malewa, konini, kaiue; move up and down, hoʻoholu, kaiue, panau; move straight ahead, neʻe i mua, neʻe pololei, kauaheahe; move swiftly, neʻe ʻāwīwī, mio, miomio, ʻiʻī, oloʻio, olohio, kāholo; move cautiously and carefully, akaluli, akahele, kaʻiawe, koene, palela, kūnoni, pāneʻeneʻe; move easily and noiselessly, palamimo, niau, kaʻa niau, hani, halolani; move in a flock, herd, company, or together, kaʻi ʻāuna, mālana, neʻepū, neʻepapa, kahe ā wai; move to and fro or from place to place, kalewa, koiele, ʻōhelo, ʻaʻau.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

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Nā LepiliTags: sports computers

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

hai. e nee aku, e okoa ai kahi e ku ai e noho ai paha, e panee, e hele, e loaa ia ia ka motiona.

'o'nĭ, ně'ě, hŏ'ŏně'ě; move an adjourn- ment, mană'ŏ e hŏ'ŏpăně'ě.

1. E nee; hoo-nee. 2. E manao. Move an adjournment, e manao e hoopanee. 3. E hoolalelale. SYN. stir up.

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