Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


nvi., Buoy; float, as on a fishing net; board or anything to float on; a calm place in the sea where one may float; to lie at anchor.

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s. A buoy; a float to show something below the water, as an anchor. FIG. O oe no ka mouo nui nana i hoolana i ko'u uhane i kea o. A piece of wood, board or other substance to float on; o ka mouo e ou ai ka naau, a buoy for the heart to escape on; a place where anything may float securely, like the poe heenalu when they come in through the surf and float at ease.

Mouo (mŏ-ū'-o), n.

/ mŏ-ū'-o / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A buoy; a float to show something below the water, as an anchor.

2. A piece of wood, board or other substance to float on; o ka mouo e ou ai ka naau, a buoy for the heart to escape on.

3. A place where anything may float securely, like the poe heenalu when they come in through the surf and float at ease.

Buoy or float for a net.

buoy: float.

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