Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ moʻo.puna / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. n., Grandchild; great-niece or -nephew; relatives two generations later, whether blood or adopted; descendant; posterity.

  • Examples:
    • Kāna moʻopuna, his grandchild.
    • Moʻopuna i ke alo, beloved grandchild raised by a grandparent; literally, grandchild in the presence.
  • References:

2. Short for moʻopunaakalīpoa.

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s. Moo, succession, and puna, springing up, as water. A grandchild. Kin. 29:5. Posterity generally; moopuna kuakahi, that is of the third generation: makua first, keiki second, keiki a ke keiki third, i.e., moopuna, grandchild; moopuna kualua, a grandchild of the fourth generation, i.e., a great grandchild. NOTE. Descendants were counted down as follows: 1st, makua, parent; 2d, keiki, child; 3d. moopuna kuakahi, grandchild; 4th, moopuna kualua, great grandchild; 5th, moopuna kuakolu, great, great grandchild, &c.

Moopuna (mo'o-pū'-na), n.

/ mo'o-pū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Moo, succession, and puna, springing up, as water.] A grandchild; posterity generally. (Descendants were counted as follows: 1st, makua, parent; 2d, keiki, child; 3d, moopuna kuakahi, grandchild; 4th. moopuna kualua, great-grandchild; 5th, moopuna kuakolu, great-great-grandchild, etc.)


Short for moʻopuna a ka līpoa, a fine red seaweed (Griffithsia sp.) used for food on Maui and south Hawaiʻi.


1. Lineal descendants, but can include both adopted children and collateral heirs. In re Trust Estate of Kanoa, 47 Haw. 610, 623 (1964). 2. Grandchild (AP). 3. Grandchild; great-niece or - nephew; relatives two generations later, whether blood or adopted; descendant; posterity (PE).

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