Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Redup. of moku 1; broken fragments, severed pieces; breaking forth, as of water from a dam. (PPN momotu.)

v. See MOKU. To out break; to break up ; to separate.

adj. Broken ; separated; broken up ; greatly increased, as water running in a freshet, breaking or rushing forth.

s. What is broken or torn off or snatched out; momoku ahi, a fire brand; e waiho ana ka momoku pi e mani ai ka umu. See MOMOKUAHI.

Momoku (mŏ'-mŏ'-ku), adj.

/ mŏ'-mŏ'-ku / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Broken; separated; broken up; greatly increased, as water running in a freshet, breaking or rushing forth.

Momoku (mŏ'-mŏ'-ku), n.

/ mŏ'-mŏ'-ku / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The rushing and running together of people, as in a popular outbreak; breaking forth, as water from a reservoir.

2. What is broken or torn off or snatched out: momoku ahi, a fire brand; e waiho ana ka momoku pi e mani ai ka umu.

Momoku (mŏ'-mŏ'-ku), v.

/ mŏ'-mŏ'-ku / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Moku, to divide.]

1. To break; to break up; to separate.

2. To be broken in pieces.

E huli iā “momoku” ma Ulukau.

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