Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs., To be cut, severed, amputated, broken in two, as a rope; broken loose, as a stream after heavy rains, or as a bound person; to punctuate.

  • Examples:
    • Moku ka pawa, dawn has broken.
    • Kai moku ka noho ʻana, relations separated by the sea.
  • References:

2. n., District, island, islet, section, forest, grove, clump, severed portion, fragment, cut, laceration, scene in a play.

  • Examples:
    • Moku lehua, lehua forest.
  • References:

3. n., Ship, schooner, vessel, boat, said to be so called because the first European ships suggested islands.

4. n., A stage of pounded poi (such poi sticks together as a mass and can be separated cleanly (moku) from the pounding board).

  • References:
    • Kep. 165.

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/ mō.kū / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. vi., Remaining long in one place, stationary; tied to a stake, as in punishment; to hold in one place, as to drown; to be anchored or stationed, as ships in a harbor.

2. nvt., Method of fishing pāpaʻi crabs with bait and a net; to fish thus.

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ʻaʻano Sessile, relating to an organism attached to a base and otherwise immobile, in biology. Dic., ext. mng. Cf. mōneʻe.

1. v., To divide in two; to cut, as with a sword; hahau mai la i ka pahi, a moku kekahi alii, he struck with a sword and cut a certain chief; to cut off, as a member of the body.

2. To break, asunder, as a cord, rope or chain. Oihk. 26:13.

3. To break, as the neck; a moku ko Kiwalao a-i a make no ia, he broke Kiwalao's neck and he died.

4. To cut off, as with a sword at a single blow.

5. To rend or tear in pieces, as a furious beast. Mat. 7:6.

6. To crack; to burst open with a noise.

7. To hold fast, as an anchor holds a ship.

8. To cast or throw into the sea; mokuia i ke kai, aole e make.

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s., A part of a country divided off from another part.

2. A district; a division of an island, as Kona on Hawaii, and Hana on Maui.

3. An island, i.e., land seperated from other land by water. Moku or mokupuni is synonymous with aina. D.Malo #7:1.

4. A ship; so called from the supposition when first seen that they were islands.

5. A dividing line; a boundary between the different divisions of an island. See mokuna.

6. A part or piece of anything broken off.

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adj., Greatly increased; swollen, as water; running; flowing; breaking down barriers, as water.

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adj. and adv., Pushing forward impetuously; greatly increased; swollen, as water; running without restraint; flowing; breaking down barriers, as water.

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1. n., A part of a country divided off from another part.

2. n., A district; a division of an island, as Kona on Hawaii, and Hana on Maui.

3. n., An island, that is, land separated from other land by water. Moku or mokupuni is synonymous with aina. (D. Malo, Hawaiian Antiquities, 7:1.)

4. n., A ship; so called from the supposition when first seen that they were islands. The ancient word for a boat was waa.

5. n., A dividing line; a boundary between the different divisions of an island.

6. n., A part or piece of anything broken off. Syn: Mokuna.

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1. v., To be divided in two; to be cut, as with a sword: Hahau mai la i ka pahi, a moku kekahi alii, he struck with a sword and a certain chief was cut; to be cut off, as a member of the body.

2. v., To break asunder, as a cord, rope or chain. (Oihk. 26:13.)

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Coastal land section, Kaunakakai qd., south Molokaʻi.

  • Literally, district or islet or severed.

Nā LepiliTags: Molokaʻi

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Island; largest of the land divisions.

I. he aina kahakai kekahi ano ma ka Baibala, Ez. 27:7; he aina puni i ke kai kekahi, Ier. 47:4; Hal. 97:1; Eset, 10:1. Ma kekahi mau pauku, he aina e ke ano, he aina kahakai paha, he mokupuni paha, Is. 24:15; 42:4, 10, 12; Hal. 72:10. Ma Ez. 27:15, he aina puni ma Inia Hikina paha keano.

II. he mea holo ma ke kai. Hemahema no na moku i ka wa kahiko, aole e like me na moku i keia wa. Kokoke i ka aina ka holo ano, a ku ma kahi awa i ka po. Ina aole ikea ka aina, ma ka nana i ka la a me na hoku ka holo ana. I ka holo ana mai Palesetine a Italia, i ka wa o Paulo, ku no ka mokn ma ke awa i ka wa hoilo i kekahi manawa, Oih. 27:12:28:11. He uuku ka nui o na mokukahiko, kakaikahi na moku nui. Ua hoonaniia lakou ma ka ihu a ma ka hope. He kiiakua ka hoailona o kekahi moku. Me ka hoe kekahi holo ana, me ka pea kekahi. I ke kaua ana, holo a ku aku kekahi moku i kekahi moku. Kaulana no ka poe Poinike no ko lakou moku, a no ke kalepa ana, Ez. 27. I ka wa o Kristo, he awa no ma Iopa, a ma Kaisareia, 2 Oihlii. 2:16; Iona 1:3, aka, aohe poe holo nui ma ka moku ka poe Iudaio, na ko Poinike i halihali ko lakou ukana ma ka moku, 1 Nalii 9:26; 10:22; 22:49, 50. Ma ko Paulo hoike mai ana i kona holo ana i Roma, ike no kakou i ke ano o ka holomoku ana ia manawa, Oih. 27. E nana TARESISA.

land division; ship: to cut, divide in two.

1. District (T) (PE). 2. Island (DM) (PE). 3. Section, forest, grove (PE). 4. To cut across, divide, separate.

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