v. To box; to fence; to fight; to hold boxing matches as pastimes or as games; i ka makahiki, e mokomoko no na kanaka ame na 'lii ame ka wahine ame kamalii, on the first day of the year the people, the chiefs, women and children, held boxing matches, i.e., attended on them.
s. A boxer; a man skilled in fighting; a puka mai la kolaila mokomoko.
Mokomoko (mō'-kŏ-mō'-ko), n.
/ mō'-kŏ-mō'-ko /A boxer; a man skilled in fighting; a puka mai la kolaila mokomoko.
Mokomoko (mō'-kŏ-mō'-ko), v.
/ mō'-kŏ-mō'-ko /To box; to fence; to fight; to hold boxing matches as pastimes: I ka makahiki, e mokomoko no na kanaka ame na 'lii ame ka wahine ame kamalii, on the first day of the year the people, the chiefs, women and children, held boxing matches, that is, attended them.
Gulch, Kaunakakai qd., central Molokaʻi. Lit., hand-to-hand fighting.
Boxing match, hand-to-hand fighting, scheduled for the first day of the year. See kahua mokomoko.
a boxer; to box.
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