1. n., Threadfish (Polydactylus sexfilis 🌐). This fish was much esteemed for food. A large school was an omen of disaster for chiefs.
- Examples:
- Kō kuli ē, nuku moi oe (song), your knees, like a moi fish nose.
- He moi ka iʻa, ehu ka lani, moi the fish, misty the sky [of easy victory].
- References:
- See ʻehu #1.
- PCP moi.
2. n., White birthmark.
3. n., A native variety of taro, with short, stocky growth, the leaf stems light green, the base pinkish, and base of leaf blade whitish; used for poi and table taro.
- References:
- HP 25; Whitney 69.
4. n., A variety of sweet potato.
- References:
- PCP moi.
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