Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

nvi. Cooked; burned, as by sun; cooking, cooked food; made brittle, as tobacco leaves over a fire. Moʻa loa, overcooked, well done, hard boiled. Moʻa hapa, partially cooked, soft-boiled. ʻAi i kalo moʻa (FS 83), eat cooked taro [enjoy a life of ease, contentment]. hoʻo.moʻa To cook, bake. (PPN moho.)


1. Chicken, red jungle chicken (Gallus gallus), fowl, as brought to Hawaiʻi by Polynesians; for some people, an ʻaumakua. ʻO luna, ʻo lalo, ʻo uka, ʻo kai, ʻo ka moa kona ame Kākuhihewa (For. 4:510), above, below, inland, seaward, the chicken is his and Kākuhihewa's [moa here probably represents supreme rule; Cf. Ka-welo's chant: He liʻi ka moa, kau ana ka moa i luna o ka hale (FS 101), the chicken is a chief, the chicken perches at the top of the house]. (PPN moa.)

2. A native banana fruit with large and plump skin and flesh yellow, edible raw or cooked, growing in a small bunch. Also huamoa. (HP 176.) (Probably PPN moa.)

3. Tufted, green, leafless plants (Psilotum nudum and P. complanatum), about 30 cm long, with many slender branches, growing in most tropical countries, both on trees and on the ground. Hawaiians used them medicinally (the spore powder as a purge), and their children played a game with them. (Neal 1–2.) Sometimes called moa nahele, pipi.

4. Children's game played with moa twigs; the tiny branches were interlocked, and the players pulled on the ends; the loser's twigs broke and the winner crowed like a rooster (moa).

5. A dart, tapering at one end, usually 25 to 60 cm long, used in a sliding game on which bets were made. Cf. paheʻe 3. Hoʻoholoholo moa, to slide the moa dart.

6. Var. of pahu, trunkfish (Ostracion meleagris). (PPN moa.)

7. Stone fastened to rope, used as a war weapon, said to be triangular in shape.

8. A small gastropod mollusk. Also kāmoa.

Puʻupuʻu moa. Chicken pox.

v. To dry; to roast; i mai la kela, aole i moa ka baka, that person said, the tobacco leaf is not dry; to bake. Oihlc. 6:17. To be cooked in an oven or pan. Oihlc. 7:9. Hoo. To be thoroughly cooked or baked. Oihlc. 23:17. To cook food generally, vegetable or animal.

s. A fowl of the hen species; moa kane, a cock; moa wahine, a hen.

2. The name of a stick used in play.

3. Name of a plant, the leaves of which made into a tea are cathartic.

4. Name of a piece of wood made to slide down hill on; so called perhaps from its shape; the practice of using it was attended with gambling; ka hooholo moa, he mea pili waiwai ia.

5. Name of a moss-like plant growing in the forests.

6. A kind of banana or plantain.

adj. Done, that is, cooked thoroughly in any way; ai moa, cooked vegetable food; ia moa, cooked flesh. &c.; moa lea, fully cooked; berena moa ole, dough.

Moa (mo'a), adj.

/ mo'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Done, that is, cooked thoroughly in any way: ai moa, cooked vegetable food; ia moa, cooked fish, etc.; moa lea, fully cooked; berena moa ole, dough.


Moa (mō'-a), n.

/ mō'-a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A domestic fowl; moa kane, a cock; moa wahine, a hen.

2. An old Hawaiian game.

3. A small stick or rod used in the game of moa.

4. A plant (Psilotum triquetrum), the leaves of which, made into a tea, are cathartic.

5. A variety of banana.

Moa (mo'a), v.

/ mo'a / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be cooked, as food.

2. To be made brittle, as in cooking: I mai la kela, aole i moa ka baka, that person said, the tobacco leaf is not dry.

A slender, tufted perennial (Psilotum nudum), growing up to a foot high. It grows wild and is also grown ornamentally. A tea with cathartic properties was brewed using the whole plant. It was used as a purge, and its spores were made into talcum powder. Hawaiian children played a game of interlocking the branches and then pulling them apart. (NEAL 1.)

Tufted, green, leafless plants (Psilotum nudum). (NEAL 1.) See Plants: Uses.

Name of a plant (Psilotum nudum), the stems of which were cathartic in effect when drunk in a tea. Its fine white spores were used in talcum powder. (NEAL 1.)

Cooked or baked thoroughly in any way. (Oihk. 23:17.)

Trunkfish (Ostracion meleagris). Reaches 9 inches in length. See pahu.


Fowl, native chicken (Gallus gallus). Can be considered a hybrid of historical dimension. There were wild jungle fowl here when Captain Cook arrived. Migratory people carried fowl with them, some released to run wild, others domesticated. The Hawaiians kept them for food, sacrifice, and cockfighting. Feathers were used to adorn the kāhili and the head of the dance rattle (ʻuliʻuli).

A kind of banana or plantain, large and plump, growing in a small bunch. Edible, cooked or raw. (PE.)

1. Piece of wood used in the game moa paheʻe. 2. Game in which children interlock twigs of the moa (Psilotum nudum), then pull them apart. The one whose twig breaks first loses, and the winner crows like a rooster. (NEAL 1.)

I. O ka malama ana o ka moa i kana ohana, he mea ia e akaka ai ka malama ana o Iesu i kona poe, ke hiki mai ka pilikia, Mat. 23:37; 24:22. O ka hua moa kekahi ai nui ma Suria e noho nei, Mar. 13:35 ; 14:30 ; Luk. 22:34.

cooked thoroughly.


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