Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Uhiwai, noe, ʻohu, ʻehu, ʻehuehu (in approximate order of decreasing denseness). In songs, mist is associated with romance. Also: lelehuna, huna wai, kēhau, kīʻohuʻohu, pūnohu, uakea, aokū, ʻawa, uahi wai; uaoa. Fine mist, lilinoe, kili ʻohu. See misty. Heavy mist, uhiwai. Creeping mist, noe kolo, ua noe. Pink mist, noe ʻula. Rainbow-hued mist, koʻiʻula. White mist, uakea. Love is mist, settles on all hills, he ʻohu ke aloha, ʻaʻohe kuahiwi kau ʻole (of love). Goddess of mists, Lilinoe.

he ohu, ua makalii.

h he ua makalii loa, he ohu.

(fog), 'o'hŭ; (fine rain), noě.

He noe; u'-a liilii.

E huli iā “mist” ma Ulukau.

Search for “mist” on Ulukau.

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