/ Mene.hune /1. n., Legendary race of small people who worked at night, building fish ponds, roads, temples; if the work was not finished in one night, it remained unfinished; also Melehune. Luomala 1951 convincingly refutes the theory that Hawaiʻi was settled by Menehune before the arrival of the first Hawaiians.
- References:
- See ʻeʻepa.
- Cf. hune #2.
- PCP M(a,e)n(a,e)(f,s)une .
2. (Not cap.) vt., To gather together to work and complete a task, as a band of Menehune.
- Examples:
- E menehune mai kākou i ka hana, let's get together and get the work done like Menehune.
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