Mauna Kea
n. The highest mountain on Hawaiʻi. Lit., snow mountain.
n. The highest mountain on Hawaiʻi. Lit., snow mountain.
Highest mountain in Hawaiʻi (13,796 feet); quadrangle, State park, observatory, and forest reserve; land section, hotel, and golf course, Kohala qd., Hawaiʻi. See Ke-ana-kākoʻi. Lit., white mountain (often the mountain is snowcapped).
1. Beach, beach park, surf site, Kawaihae, Hawaiʻi. Long calcareous sand beach with a shallow sandbar that fronts the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. The hotel opened on July 24, 1965, the first of the large coastal resorts between Kailua and Kawaihae. It is named after Mauna Kea, the highest mountain on the Big Island and in Hawaiʻi at 13,796 feet above sea level. The surf site is normally a shorebreak on the sandbar, but during high surf another surf site develops in the middle of the bay. The beach park is at the south end of the beach. Also known as Kaunaʻoa Beach. 2. Pond, Pohoʻiki, Hawaiʻi. Geothermally heated brackish-water pond in Ahalanui Beach Park. The name is from a former owner of the property. Also known as Hot Pond, Millionaire's Pond. Lit., white mountain (probably for the snow on its summit during the winter).
Highest mountain in Hawaiʻi on the island of Hawaiʻi, 13,796 feet. It is part of a state park and is the site of a number of observatories sponsored by scientific societies from many nations. It is probably the greatest such settlement in the world, and more observatories are planned.
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