Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

See uka, inland.

Same as māʻukaʻuka.

s. The name of a play; ao i ka hana ana i ka mauka; e kalai i ka pohaku pono i ka mauka.

adv. Ma, preposition, and uka, inland. Inland, in a direction opposite to the sea; opposite to makai, towards the sea.

Mauka (mā'-ū'-ka), adv.

/ mā'-ū'-ka / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Ma, preposition, and uka, inland.] Inland, in a direction opposite to the sea: opposite to makai, toward the sea.

Mauka (mā'u-ka), n.

/ mā'u-ka / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

The name of a game; ao i ka hana ana i ka mauka; e kalai i ka pohaku pono i ka mauka. See maika.

1. Towards the mountain. Palama v. Sheehan, 50 Haw. 298, 299 (1968). 2. “The word mauka, meaning ʻtoward the mountain,’ or ʻaway from the sea.’” DeFries v. Scott, 268 F. 952, 953 (9th Cir. 1920). 3. Inland. In re Application of Mokuleia Ranch and Land Co., Ltd., 59 Haw. 534, 535 (1978). 4. Mountain. Scott v. Pilipo, 24 Haw. 277, 280 (1918). 5. Upper part. Sylva v. Wailuku Sugar Co., 19 Haw. 602, 604 (1909). 6. Above. Horner v. Kumuliilii, 10 Haw. 174, 176 (1895). 7. Westerly. In re Boundaries of Sections Two and Three of Kahua 2, Hilo, 20 Haw. 278, 284, 289 (1910).

E huli iā “mauka” ma Ulukau.

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