Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Thing, Mea; kumuhana (topic). Important matter, mea nui, manaʻo nui. What's the matter? He aha lā ka pilikia? What's the matter with you? He aha nō lā kou ʻano? It doesn't matter, he mea ʻole. No matter how much, ʻehia.

2. To be important. ʻAno nui, manaʻo nui.

3. Secretion. Piapia, paʻakai, piele, pieleele, piepiele. See pus.

Physical substance. Meakino.

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h. he mea, he mea kino, he male, ka haku.

meă; (pus), pălăhēhē'; (difficulty), pilikĭ'ă, hihĭ'ă.

E huli iā “matter” ma Ulukau.

Search for “matter” on Ulukau.

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