Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Mākeke; mākeke nui (large); pukahipa (sheep, Biblical). Market value, waiwai ʻiʻo.

Indoor ~. Mākeke maluhale. Outdoor ~. Mākeke kaupokulani. To ~ something, i.e. to make available and promote the sale of a product. Hokona. ~ value. Waiwai kūʻai.

In reference to the economy. Mākeke.

h. he pa kuai, ka wa e kuai ai.

mākě'kě, 'oĭhă'nă kālě'pă.

n. 1. Hale makeke. 2. Makeke; he kuai akea; oihana kalepa.

E huli iā “market” ma Ulukau.

Search for “market” on Ulukau.

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