1. n., Very common reef surgeonfish (Acanthurus triostegus 🌐), also called convict tang, in the adult stage.
- References:
2. vs., Stingy.
- References:
- Cf. Fijian manini-taka, to hoard up like a miser.
3. n., A kind of banana generally eaten cooked; leaves and fruits green and white striped.
- References:
- Neal 249.
4. n., A variety of sugar cane, named for the fish.
5. n., A variety of dryland taro with striped petiole.
6. n., A variety of sweet potato.
8. vi., To pour, spill; irrigated.
- Examples:
- Manini aku a manini mai nā ʻōlelo ʻino, evil words poured out, poured back and forth.
9. (Cap.) n., Hawaiian name of a well-known Spanish immigrant, Francisco de Paula Marin 🌐, who knew Kamehameha for more than 25 years.
- References:
- Kuykendall 429.
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