Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvi. Shuddery sensation of fear, as on looking over a precipice or if confronted by sudden danger; sensation of disgust, revulsion, or repugnance; sensation of inner quaking accompanying sexual desire; to shudder, quake. Manene ka wāwae, tender feet. Manene ka pepeiao, the ear shudders [as on hearing vile language].

2. n. A kind of small plantain or laukahi (Plantago grayana var. grayana native to Oʻahu and Kauaʻi; P. krajinai native to Kauaʻi).

s. A sedan chair; a species of palanquin; a beir. 2 Sam. 3:31.

2. The name of the pole with which two men carried a corpse; he laau amo kupapau.

3. Name of a tree found on the mountains.

s. Name of a medicinal herb.

adj. Soft and tender footed; smooth footed.

2. Affected in walking, as with dizziness.

3. Fearful; trembling with fear.

s. The nervous sensation of one when in a dangerous situation his hands or feet slip.

v. To tremble for, as for one in danger; manene aku i ka mea aneane haule; manene i ka mea e pepehi ia ana; manene i ka mea kokoke make.

2. To be dizzy or like one intoxicated. See MANIA and ONA.

3. To slip, as a man's foot or fingers in climbing a pali or precipice.

Manene (mă'-nē'-ne), adj.

/ mă'-nē'-ne / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Soft and tender footed; smooth footed.

2. Affected in walking, as with dizziness.

3. Fearful; trembling with fear. Syn: Maeele.

Manene (mă'-nē'-ne), n.

/ mă'-nē'-ne / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

The nervous sensation of one when, in a dangerous situation, his hands or feet slip.

Manene (mă'-nē'-ne), v.

/ mă'-nē'-ne / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To tremble for, as for one in danger; manene aku i ka mea aneane haule; manene i ka mea e pepehi ia ana; manene i ka mea kokoke make.

2. To be dizzy or like one intoxicated. See mania and ona.

3. To slip, as a man's foot or fingers in climbing a pali or precipice.

4. To be fearful in expectation of harm.

Affected with dizziness in walking.

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