Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

vs., Secretly, confidentially, clandestinely, illegally, stealthily, furtive.

  • Examples:
    • Lawe malū, to take secretly.
    • Hoʻopae malū, to bring ashore illegally, smuggle.
  • References:

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. nvs. Shade, shelter, protection, peace, control, strength (Kanl. 33.25); shaded, peaceful, quiet, safe; protected by taboo; reserved, held apart; taboo; the stillness and awe of taboo.

  • Examples:
    • Keʻena malu, any private or restricted room.
    • Ma ka malu o kona ʻēheu, within the shelter of his wings.
    • Kaʻa i ka malu ō, still being cherished, fostered.
    • No ka waiho wale ʻana nō ia mea ma kona malu, for the retention of this thing for his protection.
    • He malu ka nohona, life is protected, peaceful.
    • Ua malu neia kino mamuli o kō leo, this person is set apart because of your wish.
    • Malalo o ka malu o kēia kūlanakauhale, under the control of this city.
  • References:

2. n. Name recorded by Gosline for sidespot goatfish, Parupeneus pleurostigma 🌐.

Nā LepiliTags: fauna fish

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Hālāwai malū. Subconference, in telecommunications. Pae malū. Illegal alien; to arrive as an illegal alien. Cf. pae kānāwai.

v. To shade; to overshadow; to cast a shade; malu ka la, the sun is shaded. Laieik. 163.

2. To be comfortable, as in a shade when all is heat around; to be in a state of quietness and peace with others.

3. To be favored; to have many enjoyments and privileges.

4. To be fruitful; to be blessed.

5. Hoo. To bless; to comfort; to make comfortable.

6. To rule over; to govern, as a chief; to keep in order the affairs of state. 1 Nal. 3:9.

7. To make peace, i.e., a treaty of peace with olelo kuikahi. Lunk. 3:19.

8. To protect; to govern; to put under a kapu; hoomalu iho la o Kamehameha, nana wale no e kuai i ka wahie ala, Kamehameha prohibited the sandal-wood; he only would sell it.

s. A shade; the shadow of a tree or anything that keeps off the sun.

2. Peace; quietness; protection.

3. Watchfulness; care.

adj. Overshadowed; protected; governed.

2. Quiet; without care or anxiety.

3. Wet; cold; damp; soaked in water; i waiho ia maloko o ka wai.

4. Shivering with wet and cold.

adj. Secret; not openly; contrary to order; without liberty; unlawful; olelo malu, secret conversation. Lunk. 3:19.

adv. Secretly; unlawfully.

Malu (mă'-lu), adj.

/ mă'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Shady, under cover.

2. Free from harm; safe.

3. Overshadowed; protected; governed.

4. Quiet; without care or anxiety.

Malu (mă'-lu), v.

/ mă'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be shaded; to be shady, overcast, cloudy: Malu ka la, the sun is shaded.- Laieik, p. 163.

2. To be comfortable, as in a shade when all is heat around; to be in a state of quietness and peace with others.

3. To be protected; to have many enjoyments and privileges.

Malu (mă'-lu), n.

/ mă'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. A shade; the shadow of a tree or anything that keeps off the sun.

2. Peace; quietness; protection.

Malu (mă-lū'), adv.

/ mă-lū' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Secretly; unlawfully.

Malu (mă-lū'), adj.

/ mă-lū' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Secret; not openly; contrary to order; without liberty; unlawful; olelo malu, secret conversation.

Awe and stillness of a kapu; peace and quiet under a kapu.

Quiet, without care or anxiety; state of quietness and peace with others; favored with enjoyments and privileges; comfortable, as in the protecting shade.

I. o ke ano o ka malu, i kekahi manawa, he poeleele loa, he malu make, Hal. 23:4; a i kekahi manawa, he wahi e oluolu ai, Is. 32:2; i kekahi manawa, he mea e pale aku i ka ino, Hal. 17:8; Is. 49:2; Dan. 4:12. Hoike mai o Ioba i ke aka loloa i ka emi ana o ka la, Ioba 7:2; Ier. 6:4. Ua hoohalike ke ola o ke kanaka me he aka la e pau koke ana, 1 Oihlii. 29:15; Hal. 102:11.

shady, protected; peace.

secret; without order.

1. Shade. Oni v. Meek‚ 2 Haw. 87, 88 (1858). 2. To control. 3. Governed (AP).

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