Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



1. Male's loincloth; chant in praise of a chief's loincloth. Malo ʻeka, dirty malo [said of farmers in dry areas]. (PPN malo.)

2. Leaf sheath that protects the young leaves of the breadfruit tree, sometimes called malo ʻulu.

See loincloth.

s. A strip of kapa or cloth girded about the loins of men; in former times the malo was the only dress worn by men when at work; a covering for the nakedness of men; ka wawae e paa'i ka mai.

2. FIG. Ua loheia mamua ka olelo a kekahi alii, e kaohi a e moku ka ka malo.

adj. See MALOO.

Malo (mă-lō), adj.

/ mă-lō / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Same as maloo, dry.

Malo (mă'-lo), n.

/ mă'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

A strip of tapa or cloth girded about the loins of men; in former times the malo was the only dress worn by men.

Land section, Honolua qd., Maui. Lit., loincloth.

Strip of kapa worn by men around the loins; loincloth worn when at work.

loin cloth.

E huli iā “malo” ma Ulukau.

Search for “malo” on Ulukau.

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